To be able to use the power of the OpenBAS platform on endpoints, you need at least one neutral executor that will be in charge of executing implants as detached processes. Implants will then execute payloads.
OpenBAS Agent
The OpenBAS agent is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS, it is the native / default way to execute implants and payloads on endpoints.
Tanium Agent
The Tanium agent can be leveraged to execute implants as detached processes that will the execute payloads according to the OpenBAS architecture.
Configure the Tanium Platform
First of all, we are providing 2 Tanium packages to be imported in the Tanium platform.
Tanium package configuration
Because OpenBAS should run implants as detached processed, you must uncheck the box "Launch this package command in a process group" in the package configuration:
Once configured and imported, retrieve the package IDs from the URL ui/console/packages/XXXXX/preview
Configure the OpenBAS platform
To use the Tanium executor, just fill the following configuration.
Parameter | Environment variable | Default value | Description |
executor.tanium.enable | EXECUTOR_TANIUM_ENABLE | false |
Enable the Tanium executor |
executor.tanium.url | EXECUTOR_TANIUM_URL | Tanium URL | |
executor.tanium.api-key | EXECUTOR_TANIUM_API-KEY | Tanium API key | |
executor.tanium.computer-group-id | EXECUTOR_TANIUM_COMPUTER_GROUP_ID | Tanium Computer Group to be used in simulations | |
executor.tanium.windows-package-id | EXECUTOR_TANIUM_WINDOWS_PACKAGE_ID | ID of the OpenBAS Tanium Windows package | |
executor.tanium.unix-package-id | EXECUTOR_TANIUM_UNIX_PACKAGE_ID | ID of the OpenBAS Tanium Unix package |
Tanium API Key
Please note that the Tanium API key should have the permissions to retrieve endpoint list from the Tanium GraphQL API as well as to launch packages on endpoints.
Once enabled, you should see Tanium available in your Install agents
Also, the assets in the selected computer groups should now be available in the endpoints section in OpenBAS:
NB : An Asset can only have one Tanium agent installed thanks to an unicity with hostname and IP parameters. If you try to install again a Tanium agent on a platform, it will overwrite the actual one and you will always see one endpoint on the OpenBAS endpoint page.
Installation done
You are now ready to leverage your Tanium platform to run OpenBAS payloads!
CrowdStrike Falcon Agent
The CrowdStrike Falcon agent can be leveraged to execute implants as detached processes that will the execute payloads according to the OpenBAS architecture.
Configure the CrowdStrike Platform
Upload OpenBAS scripts
First of all, you need to create two custom scripts, one for Windows and one for Unix, covering both Linux and MacOS systems.
To create it, go to Host setup and management
> Response and containment
> Response scripts and files
. The names of the scripts can be changed if necessary, they will be put in the OpenBAS configuration.
Unix Script
Attribute | Value |
name | OpenBAS Subprocessor (Unix) |
shell type | bash |
script access | Users with the role of RTR Administrator or RTR Active Responder |
shared with workflows | yes |
Put the following script:
Put the following Input schema:
"$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
"properties": {
"command": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"type": "object",
"description": "This generated schema may need tweaking. In particular format fields are attempts at matching workflow field types but may not be correct."
Windows script
Attribute | Value |
name | OpenBAS Subprocessor (Windows) |
shell type | PowerShell |
script access | Users with the role of RTR Administrator or RTR Active Responder |
shared with workflows | yes |
Put the following script:
$command = $args[0] | ConvertFrom-Json | Select -ExpandProperty 'command';
cmd.exe /d /c powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -NonInteractive -NoProfile -Command "Invoke-Expression ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([convert]::FromBase64String('$command')))"
Put the following Input schema:
"$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
"properties": {
"command": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"type": "object",
"description": "This generated schema may need tweaking. In particular format fields are attempts at matching workflow field types but may not be correct."

Once created, your RTR scripts should have something like this:
Create a host group with your targeted assets
To create a host group, go to Host setup and management
> Host groups
Configure the OpenBAS platform
CrowdStrike API Key
Please note that the CrowdStrike API key should have the following permissions: API integrations, Hosts, Host groups, Real time response.
To use the CrowdStrike executor, just fill the following configuration.
Parameter | Environment variable | Default value | Description |
executor.crowdstrike.enable | EXECUTOR_CROWDSTRIKE_ENABLE | false |
Enable the Crowdstrike executor |
executor.crowdstrike.api-url | EXECUTOR_CROWDSTRIKE_API_URL | https://api.us-2.crowdstrike.com |
Crowdstrike API url |
executor.crowdstrike.client-id | EXECUTOR_CROWDSTRIKE_CLIENT_ID | Crowdstrike client id | |
executor.crowdstrike.client-secret | EXECUTOR_CROWDSTRIKE_CLIENT_SECRET | Crowdstrike client secret | |
executor.crowdstrike.host-group | EXECUTOR_CROWDSTRIKE_HOST_GROUP | Crowdstrike host group | |
executor.crowdstrike.windows-script-name | EXECUTOR_CROWDSTRIKE_WINDOWS_SCRIPT_NAME | OpenBAS Subprocessor (Windows) |
Name of the OpenBAS Crowdstrike windows script |
executor.crowdstrike.unix-script-name | EXECUTOR_CROWDSTRIKE_UNIX_SCRIPT_NAME | OpenBAS Subprocessor (Unix) |
Name of the OpenBAS Crowdstrike unix script |
Once enabled, you should see CrowdStrike available in your Install agents
Also, the assets in the selected computer groups should now be available in the endpoints section in OpenBAS:
NB : An Asset can only have one CrowdStrike agent installed thanks to an unicity with hostname and IP parameters. If you try to install again a CrowdStrike agent on a platform, it will overwrite the actual one and you will always see one endpoint on the OpenBAS endpoint page.
Installation done
You are now ready to leverage your CrowdStrike platform to run OpenBAS payloads!
Caldera Agent
The Caldera agent can be leveraged to execute implants as detached processes that will the execute payloads according to the OpenBAS architecture.
Caldera already installed
If you already have a working Caldera installation, just go directly to OpenBAS configuration section.
Deploy Caldera
To deploy Caldera, you can just add Caldera to the OpenBAS stack, we advise you to modify your docker-compose.yml
add a Caldera service:
image: openbas/caldera-server:5.0.0
restart: always
- "8888:8888"
CALDERA_URL: http://localhost:8888
- type: bind
source: caldera.yml
target: /usr/src/app/conf/local.yml
As you can see in the configuration, you will also need a configuration file caldera.yml because Caldera does not support well environment variables for configuration.
Download caldera.yml and put it
alongside your docker-compose.yml
file. This file must be modified prior launching, only change what is marked as *
Change this*, listed below.
red: ChangeMe # Change this
blue: ChangeMe # Change this
api_key_red: ChangeMe # Change this
api_key_blue: ChangeMe # Change this
api_key: ChangeMe # Change this
crypt_salt: ChangeMe # Change this
encryption_key: ChangeMe # Change this
app.contact.http: http://caldera.myopenbas.myorganization.com:8888 # Change this
app.contact.tunnel.ssh.user_password: ChangeMe # Change this
Just update your stack and check Caldera is running:
OpenBAS configuration
Then, just change the OpenBAS configuration as follow:
Parameter | Environment variable | Default value | Description |
executor.caldera.enable | EXECUTOR_CALDERA_ENABLE | false |
Enable the Caldera executor |
executor.caldera.url | EXECUTOR_CALDERA_URL | Caldera URL | |
executor.caldera.public-url | EXECUTOR_CALDERA_PUBLIC-URL | Caldera URL accessible from endpoints (ex: http://caldera.myopenbas.myorganization.com:8888) | |
executor.caldera.api-key | EXECUTOR_CALDERA_API-KEY | Caldera API key |
Deploy agents
Once enabled, you should see Caldera available in your Install agents
OpenBAS has built-in instruction if you want command line examples to deploy the agent on one endpoint.
Caldera AV detection
By default, the Caldera agent "Sandcat" is detected and blocked by antivirus. Here, we are using Caldera as a neutral executor that will execute implants that will execute payloads, so you need to add the proper AV exclusions as instructed in the OpenBAS screen.
All assets with a proper Caldera agent installed using the OpenBAS provided command line (then persistent) should now be available in the OpenBAS endpoints list.
NB : An Asset can only have one Caldera agent installed thanks to an unicity with hostname and IP parameters. If you try to install again a Caldera agent on a platform, it will overwrite the actual one and you will always see one endpoint on the OpenBAS endpoint page.