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Filter knowledge

In OpenBAS, you can filter data to focus on or display information with specific attributes.

Filters usages

Dynamic filters

Dynamic filters allow you to filter the UI view based on the attributes present in the data, such as the list of scenarios or simulations.

These filters are not stored in the database. However, they remain persistent on the frontend of the platform. Your web browser saves the filters you set in different areas of the platform in local storage, allowing you to retrieve them when you return to the same view. This way, you can continue working from where you left off.

Additionally, the filters applied in a view are saved as URL parameters, enabling you to save and share links to these filtered views.

Filtering scenarios

Create a filter

To create a filter, add every key you need using the 'Add filter' select box. It will give you the possible attributes on which you can filter in the current view.

A grey box appears and allows to select:

  1. the operator to use, and
  2. the values to compare (if the operator is not "empty" or "not empty").

You can add as many filters as you need.

Filtering scenarios focus filter

The boolean modes (and/or) are global (between every attribute filters) and can be switched with a single click, changing the logic of your filtering.

Filtering scenarios focus mode

Filters format

The OpenBAS platform uses a filter format called FilterGroup. The FilterGroup model enables to do complex filters imbrication with different boolean operators, which extends greatly the filtering capabilities in every part of the platform.


The format can be described as below:

  "filterGroup": {
    "mode": "and",
    // or "or"
    "filters": [
        "key": "name",
        "mode": "or",
        // or "and"
        "values": [
        "operator": "contains"
        // or "not_contains", "eq", "not_eq", "starts_with", "not_starts_with",
        // "empty", "not_empty"


In a given filter group, the mode (and or or) represents the boolean operation between the different filters and filterGroups arrays. The filters and filterGroups arrays are composed of objects of type Filter and FilterGroup.

The Filter has 4 properties:

  • a key, representing the kind of data we want to target (example: tags to filter on tags or name to filter on the data's name),
  • an array of values, representing the values we want to compare to,
  • an operator representing the operation we want to apply between the key and the values,
  • a mode (and or or) to apply between the values if there are several ones.


The available operators are:

Value Meaning
contains contains
not_contains not contains
eq equal
not_eq different
empty empty / no value
not_empty non-empty / any value

In addition, there are operators:

  • starts_with / not_starts_with, available for searching in short string fields (name, value, title, etc.),