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In OpenBAS, you can create custom payloads based on different types to create new injects.

Payloads enhance the platform, allowing you to further customize your scenarios.

Create a Payload

To create a new payload, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "+" button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose a type based on your needs:
    • Command Line: To execute a command using an executor (e.g., PowerShell, Bash, etc.)
    • Executable: To run an executable file on an asset
    • File Drop: To drop a file onto an asset
    • DNS Resolution: To resolve a hostname into IP addresses
  3. Assign a name to your new payload and specify the platform where it should be executed.
  4. Provide additional details for executing your payload, such as arguments and prerequisites.
  5. Specify a cleanup executor and a cleanup command to remove any remnants from your execution on the asset.

Payload select type Payload creation command

Once completed, your new payload will appear in the payload list.

Use a Payload

After creation, a new inject type will automatically appear in the inject types list if the implant you're using supports it (the OpenBAS Implant does).

Payload creation dns Payload to inject