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All components of OpenBAS are shipped both as Docker images and manual installation packages.

Production deployment

For production deployment, we recommend to deploy all components in containers, including dependencies, using native cloud services or orchestration systems such as Kubernetes.

  • Use Docker

    Deploy OpenBAS using Docker and the default docker-compose.yml provided in the docker.


  • Manual installation

    Deploy dependencies and launch the platform manually using the packages released in the GitHub releases.


Using Docker


OpenBAS can be deployed using the docker compose command.



sudo apt install docker-compose

Windows and MacOS

Just download the appropriate Docker for Desktop version for your operating system.

Clone the repository

Docker helpers are available in the Docker GitHub repository.

mkdir -p /path/to/your/app && cd /path/to/your/app
git clone
cd docker

Configure the environment

Before running the docker compose command, the docker-compose.yml file should be configured. By default, the docker-compose.yml file is using environment variables available in the .env.sample file.

You can either rename the file .env.sample in .env and put the expected values or just fill directly the docker-compose.yml with the values corresponding to your environment.

Docker compose env

Configuration static parameters

The complete list of available static parameters is available in the configuration section.

Whether you are using one method or the other, here are the mandatory parameters to fill:

OPENBAS_MAIL_IMAP_PORT=993 # must be a valid email address
OPENBAS_ADMIN_TOKEN=ChangeMe # must be a valid UUID
COLLECTOR_MITRE_ATTACK_ID=3050d2a3-291d-44eb-8038-b4e7dd107436 # No need for change
COLLECTOR_ATOMIC_RED_TEAM_ID=0f2a85c1-0a3b-4405-a79c-c65398ee4a76 # No need for change

If your docker-compose deployment does not support .env files, just export all environment variables before launching the platform:

export $(cat .env | grep -v "#" | xargs)

Persist data

The default for OpenBAS data is to be persistent.

In the docker-compose.yml, you will find at the end the list of necessary persistent volumes for the dependencies:

  esdata:     # ElasticSearch data
  s3data:     # S3 bucket data
  amqpdata:   # RabbitMQ data

Run OpenBAS

Using single node Docker

After changing your .env file run docker compose in detached (-d) mode:

sudo systemctl start docker.service
# Run docker compose in detached
docker compose up -d

Using Docker swarm

In order to have the best experience with Docker, we recommend using the Docker stack feature. In this mode you will have the capacity to easily scale your deployment.

# If your virtual machine is not a part of a Swarm cluster, please use:
docker swarm init

Put your environment variables in /etc/environment:

# If you already exported your variables to .env from above:
sudo cat .env >> /etc/environment
sudo bash -c 'cat .env >> /etc/environment’
sudo docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml openbas

Installation done

You can now go to http://localhost:8080 and log in with the credentials filled in your configuration.

OpenBAS X Caldera (Optional part)

You can deploy Caldera alongside OpenBAS to manage agent deployment and execute Caldera scripts.

  • Use Docker

    Deploy Caldera using Docker and the default docker-compose.yml provided in the docker.


Unfortunately, Caldera does not support well environment variables, the caldera.yml needs to be modified to change default API keys and passwords. Only change what is marked as Change this, listed below:

Caldera application

You will never be asked to go into Caldera directly because OpenBAS manages everything for you, so don't hesitate to put the same UUIDv4 in all parameters here.

    red: ChangeMe                                                                     # Change this
    blue: ChangeMe                                                                    # Change this
api_key_red: ChangeMe                                                                 # Change this
api_key_blue: ChangeMe                                                                # Change this
api_key: ChangeMe                                                                     # Change this
crypt_salt: ChangeMe                                                                  # Change this
encryption_key: ChangeMe                                                              # Change this                    # Change this ChangeMe                                        # Change this

Docker compose env

Add this environment variable to connect OpenBAS and Caldera:

Login to Caldera

To connect to Caldera, you need to use one of the users defined in your caldera.yml file (either 'red' or 'blue'). OpenBAS will use the red user.

Manual installation

This section provides instructions to install and run a pre-built OpenBAS server with its dependencies. Note that this does not cover building from source, which you will find in the Development section instead.

Prepare the installation

Installation of dependencies

You have to enable all the mandatory dependencies for the main application if you would like to play breach and attack simulation scenarios.

You may choose to use the dependencies from the provided compose file (see: Using Docker). If you elect doing so, make sure you disable the openbas server container first, and expose the dependencies on appropriate ports. You may refer to the official Docker documentation to achieve this.

Otherwise, you are responsible for providing the dependencies yourself by installing and running them. You need at least a Java Runtime, PostgreSQL (database), RabbitMQ (queue management), and MinIO (for object storage).

Supported dependency versions

See the Dependencies section for details on the recommended (and supported) versions of the dependencies.

If you choose to install the dependencies manually, please refer to their respective documentation:

Download the application files

First, you have to download and extract the latest release file.

mkdir /path/to/your/app && cd /path/to/your/app
wget <{RELEASE_VERSION}/openbas-release-{RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz>
tar xvfz openbas-release-{RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz

Install the main platform

Configure the application

You may change the file (located at the root of the extracted release archive) according to your needs; alternatively you may set the equivalent environment variables.

$ cd openbas
$ ls  openbas-api.jar

Mandatory configuration

Note that the configuration keys relevant to the mandatory dependencies listed above must be set in the file or as environment variables.

See the relevant Configuration sections for more details:

Start the application

Before you can start the application, ensure your dependencies are up and running, and healthy.

Then start the application itself:

java -jar openbas-api.jar

Installation done

You can now go to http://localhost:8080 and log in with the credentials configured in your file.

Build the application locally

  1. cd openbas-front yarn build
  2. cp -r builder/prod/* ../openbas-api/src/main/resources/static/
  3. cd ../openbas-api
  4. mvn clean install -DskipTests
  5. create an based on the existing one in openbas-api and fill all the mandatory fields
  6. run java -jar target/openbas-api.jar --spring.config.location=%PATH%\

Community contributions

Helm Charts

Deploy behind a reverse proxy

If you want to use OpenBAS behind a reverse proxy with a context path, like, please change the base_path static parameter.

  • APP__BASE_PATH=/openbas

By default OpenBAS use websockets so don't forget to configure your proxy for this usage, an example with Nginx:

location / {
    proxy_cache                 off;
    proxy_buffering             off;
    proxy_http_version          1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade    $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host       $host;
    chunked_transfer_encoding   off;
    proxy_pass                  http://YOUR_UPSTREAM_BACKEND;

Additional memory information

OpenBAS platform is based on a JAVA runtime. The application needs at least 4GB of RAM to work properly.


PostgreSQL is the main database of OpenBAS. You can find more information in the official PostgresQL documentation.


MinIO is a small process and does not require a high amount of memory. More information are available for Linux here on the Kernel tuning guide.